Breathing Room Yoga + Psycle


As a young person, I was very involved in sports. I did everything from gymnastics and figure skating, to volleyball and tennis. Following an injury from my gymnastics career, I found yoga and was able to rehabilitate my injury while maintaining strength and flexibility Shortly thereafter I chose to take my teacher training. Although spontaneous, it was a fundamental decision for who I am today. After being so heavily involved in sport, yoga was the perfect balance of exercise and rehabilitation. The benefits of cross-training and proactive, functional movement was something I recognized as beneficial and wanted to share with others. Now, with my knowledge of the brain body connection attained through my Psychology Degree, I strive to bring this awareness and functionality to every class. To me, yoga is well-being. It is with this in mind that I encourage every participant to understand the “why” of movement and dive deeper into their understanding of their own body.
