Breathing Room Yoga + Psycle


Jill grew up in England and entered the legal profession in London. After a gap year (that turned into many years!) backpacking, she found that law wasn't going to fulfill her and eventually found herself on a plane to Canada to snowboard for a season. In the beautiful mountain town of Banff, and through many snowboarding injuries, she discovered yoga. Although at first it was a means to bounce back to running / climbing / snowboarding as quickly as possible, it became so much more when she started to translate the teachings into "real" life as well as on the mat. With a background and training in Tapasaya (hot) yoga, Jill does have an interest in alignment and in the micro movements that allow us to build real, intrinsic strength. But Jill's true goal is for every student to feel completely welcome and at home in her classes. She believes that through the practice of yoga we can become aware of our natural tendencies, both on and off the mat, and begin to balance them. Jill will allow you the space to be exactly where you need to be, wherever that is for you.
