Breathing Room Yoga + Psycle

8 Week Mom & Baby Strength Series (4/8)
with Callie

April 2 (Tuesday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

After your baby is born, take time to move, stretch, tone and celebrate this new life. This class is filled with love, peace + fun. You'll pay special attention to regaining your core strength while at the same time allowing you a special time to be completely present with yourself and your baby. Plus you'll learn postures that stretch those tense areas like your back and shoulders. Your baby will love yoga too. They will learn baby yoga moves as well as infant massage. Baby gets to experience loving touch and build neutral connections at the same time. You learn another way to connect deeply with your infant.

What to bring: Wear cozy and stretchy clothes. Yoga isn't a fashion show, it's important that you're comfortable. Bring a mat if you have one, we also rent them for $1. Hydration is also important, bring a water bottle! Moms also like to bring their car seat in or a cozy blanket to lay down at the top of their mat for the little one to cozy onto.
*please note there is no food allowed in the studio
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: 8 Week Mom & Baby Strength Series


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