Breathing Room Yoga + Psycle

Nidra + Restore for Graham Lindquist & Family
with Audra


February 11 (Saturday)
at 5:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Please Join Audra on the Mat for 60 minute Restorative + Yoga Nidra class for the Lindquist Family
* Please note we kindly request a minimum of a $20 donation* 

Many of you know Mariesa; one of our incredible Spin Instructors. Three weeks ago, Mariesa's cousin Chandra Lindquist and her husband Graham were on vacation in Mexico when the unthinkable happened. Graham jumped into the pool and in an inconceivable accident, suffered a complete spinal fracture. Doctors believe that Graham will be confined to a wheelchair Indefinitely. His injuries will certainly have a significant impact on his wife, children and extended family. The financial implications of such injury are extraordinary- medical costs, changes to their home to accommodate Graham's injuries, transportation and an impact on his employment. Join us as we raise funds for the Lindquist family and come together within healing community. 


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